Frida Hakobyan holds an impressive array of roles and accomplishments:

  • As the CEO of IT Storm Academy & IT Storm Digital, she spearheads these organizations' operations, overseeing their growth and success.
  • As a producer of online learning courses, she harnesses her knowledge and experience to create engaging and impactful educational content.
  • Recognized as an opinion leader in the fields of education, career, and self-development, Frida Hakobyan shares her insights and expertise to inspire and empower others.
  • Her digital entrepreneurship ventures showcase her ability to leverage technology and innovation to drive business growth and transformation.
  • Frida Hakobyan is also a scientific researcher and lecturer, holding a Ph.D. degree. Her academic background adds depth and credibility to her contributions in various domains.

With her multidimensional skill set and extensive experience, Frida Hakobyan continues to make significant contributions across the realms of education, entrepreneurship, research, and personal development.

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The 5 core values behind all my work

Focus On Impact - Entrepreneur Webflow Template

Focus on Impact

To work smarter, I always focus on impact, not activity.

Move Fast - Entrepreneur Webflow Template

Move Fast

Move fast and don't break things: innovation at speed and scale.

Be Open - Entrepreneur Webflow Template

Be Open

I have a tendency to be receptive to new ideas and information.

Thrive For Results - Entrepreneur Webflow Template

Thrive for Results

When the vision is clear, the results will appear. I keep my mindset positive as I work on my plan, flourish, and always remember why I started.

Be Collaborative - Entrepreneur Webflow Template

Be Collaborative

As teamwork begins by building trust, I strongly believe that talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

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Browse courses

Explore a range of topics, tools, and techniques, from web development and graphic design to marketing and management.

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