Frida Hakobyan

Frida Hakobyan is a dynamic individual, recognized as a founder, entrepreneur, producer, researcher, author. Currently, she holds the position of Chief Executive Officer at IT Storm LLC, an innovative and rapidly expanding organization that operates in two core areas: business ventures and educational initiatives. Established with a vision for growth and transformation, IT Storm LLC is reshaping industries through its forward-thinking approach.

IT Storm Academy

Frida Hakobyan is dedicated to the creation and development of an international training platform called IT Storm Digital. With a team of skilled professionals, she actively leads and coordinates all aspects of the project, including product development, brand promotion, educational content creation, and operational activities. Driven by a mission to inspire, motivate, and empower individuals, Frida Hakobyan and the IT Storm Academy team continue to shape the education landscape by combining technology, content creation, and a focus on practical, result-oriented learning experiences.

Tech-enabled, mobile-first education

From its inception, IT Storm Academy has been a trailblazer in leveraging technology and content creation to revolutionize education. A notable achievement is the establishment of an acclaimed, in-house film studio solely dedicated to producing compelling content related to education, career development, business, and personal growth. This distinction further exemplifies IT Storm Academy's commitment to providing innovative and engaging educational resources.

Result-driven education

Frida's vision centers around "result-driven education," where she emphasizes the acquisition of practical skills that can be immediately applied across various areas of life, starting from the first lesson. Her goal is to eliminate educational inequalities and empower individuals to shape a better future for themselves and their families through the acquisition of tangible, practical skills. By teaching actionable knowledge that yields real-time results, Frida and her team strive to inspire creativity, foster personal growth, and facilitate professional development.

Areas of study on IT Storm Academy

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Explore a range of topics, tools, and techniques, from web development and graphic design to marketing and management.

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